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The international program “Open Science” supports projects in the humanities and social sciences that employ and develop digital formats (web-based or offline) for the publication of academic materials. It funds projects that are in various phases of development, including interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral collaborations. Financial assistance is also provided to consulting projects in the area of science communication. Monographs and edited volumes published open access do not fall within the scope of the program.

The program reflects the focus of the ZEIT STIFTUNG BUCERIUS on science communication and demonstrates the foundation’s commitment to shaping and fostering the exchange that takes place between the academic world and the public. The aim is a diverse, transparent and effective dissemination of scientific and academic findings.

An advisory board of experts drawn from the humanities and social sciences as well as from the fields of science communication and scholarly publication supports the ZEIT STIFTUNG BUCERIUS in developing the program and selecting the projects to be funded.

More information and the “Open Science” program’s calls for proposals will be updated on this page.

Contact person:
Matthias Koch, Project Manager, m.koch@zeit-stiftung.de



Results 111 of 23.